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Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Final Blog

Here we are, at the Finish Line I know all of our hard work and dedication with bring a smile to children, parents and other support in the field of early childhood.  As we enter into the field of early childhood, we are prepared, determined to change to advocate for young children's lives and parent engagement. We are all are more than conquerors! Congratulations on your sacrifices of earning your master's degree.

I want to take this time to think of all my instructors, colleagues, group discussion, blogs assignments and encouraging videos throughout this course. Learning from each of the experience has broadened my understanding of early childhood, never assume any particular situation. Always ask clarifying questions if needed. Some of the coursework at Walden University was vigorous, required much time researching yet was all worth it.Thank you all.
Put first things first
I have learned to be “Be Proactive” — is about changing your mindset from someone who is acted upon to someone who acts. It’s about reminding yourself that you are in charge of your life and how you respond to it. Also, Begin With the End in Mind” — Once you know that you create a personal mission statement based on timeless principles and your core values that help you develop and practice these “eulogy virtues.” This stems from habits  "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," that we had applied throughout our coursework.

I plan on transforming adults awareness in the field of early childhood by teaching a variety of methods that influence young children's life(social skills, cognitive and emotional perception). My long-term goal is to facilitate to as many organizations regarding health and safety in the field of early childhood education. As a professor, collaborating with other professors on improving rapid childhood education reform, will improve their (the child) ability to learn, play and work at school and home. Schools and parents working together will be a significant part of their child development process.
Special thank you to all my colleagues and Dr. Dartt for allowing us to express ourselves throughout this course. There's so much to be thankful; I believe that our passion for persevering in the field of Early Education is one of them. I appreciate working with everyone and wish them the best of luck in the future and Gratulation On Your New Journey Of Live.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Community of Practice: Internationally

Right now, Save the Children remains gravely concerned about the well-being of children in the custody of the U.S. government after crossing our southern border. We know from our nearly 100 years of service that family separation and detention can cause severe, long-lasting trauma, which ultimately results in the loss of childhood.

Job opportunities would be a head start teacher who would impact children on a day-to-day basis. As a head start teacher, this would be a great job opportunity that would change educators globally,  yet I would pass on this opportunity to sure local students/staff of challenges people face on a day to day basis.   
As we Network to build to improve Early Child Development International Step by Step Association accommodates the needs within the organization.

We build capacity in the community:
  • By expanding professional development workshops and training
  • Sharing a platform of social media channels in the field
  • Hosting By ISSA Romani Early Year Network
Image result for UNICEF For Every Child
UNICEF is committed to increasing its contribution to environmental sustainability, given both the importance of the issue to children and the global commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

UNICEF aims to significantly strengthen UNICEF’s policy, programmes, advocacy, research and engagement on environmental sustainability to deliver better results for children, especially the most disadvantaged from other country's. If there is work, there an opportunity.

Job opportunity from UNICEF I will consider would be an international consultant for strengthening children and family welfare system. UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Some of the criteria are to review and analyze Child Protection social welfare legal and policy. Develop a snapshot of national standards for child protection. Also, have a three-year action plan for Child & Family welfare project proposal as a consultant with stakeholders and assessment. I am not interested in becoming child protection and social worker overseas.

Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.6115947/k.8D6E/Official_Site.htm

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from http://www.issa.nl/index.html

UNICEF (2014) The Challenges of Climate Change: Children on the front line https://www.unicef.org/environment/

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Roles/Jobs in the ECE Community

Childcare Awards of America
Mission: we advance a child care system that adequately serves all children and families. Our work is strengthening by the national network of children care resources and referral agents and division members and partners.

As a parent, aunt or uncle or guardian of a child there are many benefits for yourself and your child early care and education programs. Your voice matters and your stories make the difference!

Child Care Works is our latest grassroots initiative to raise our voice together about the need for a child care system that works for all families. Lynette M. Fraga, Ph.D

CalWORKs Child Care
A service for quality child care is the success of the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) child care program. The program helps family access immediate, short-term child care as the parent works or performs their welfare-to-work activity. The purpose of the program is to support parents as they transition to the stable, long-term child care necessary for the family to leave and remain off aid.

Mission: The Tulare County Early Childhood Education Program, in partnership with families and community, improves the lives of children by providing quality comprehensive child development services which include: education, health, nutrition and mental health. We are a culturally diverse and inclusive program of caring professionals dedicated to serving families and children. Resource & Referral.

Reedley College
Mission: Reedley College motivates and empowers students to be successful by providing high-quality, innovative educational opportunities. We inspire a passion for learning to meet the academic and workforce goals of our diverse communities. Our associate degree programs, career technical education, transfer level, and necessary skills courses are offered in an accessible and safe learning environment.

As a partner working in the Child Development Department of Reedley College, I would ensure ongoing and professionally updated resource for all students to receive professional training and observe children in a quality program. Sharing ideas with Child Development of Reedley College center were children encourage to grow, learn, play, and explore an extra hand of support for all parents to gain support in facing the realities of childrearing in a complex world.

Hiring Jobs: College of the Sequoias Community College District is seeking qualified adjunct faculty to teach within its Consumer and Family Studies Department. Consumer and Family Study-related courses include Child Development/Early Childhood Education, Culinary Arts, Dietic Technician, Family and Consumer Studies, Fashion and Related Technologies, Retailing, etc.

Adjunct faculty assignments may include weekend and/or evening classes at the Visalia Campus, the Hanford Educational Center, or the Tulare College Center.


The Bright Spaces program is the flagship program of the Bright Horizons Foundation for Children®.

The Bright Horizons Foundation for Children is a nonprofit organization focused on brightening the lives of children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness and other crises. We do this by creating and supporting Bright Spaces; warm, safe, enriching spaces in homeless shelters and other agencies for children and youth to build caring relationships, heal from trauma through play, and experience the joy of childhood. The Foundation believes that we can make the world a better place by engaging Bright Horizons’ employees, clients, families, friends, and community partners to strengthen families, support our communities, share our knowledge, and encourage others to join us in making a difference. https://www.brightspaces.org/


Child Care Aware® of America under Grant #90LH002 for the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Child Care (OCC). 2018 © CCAoA All Rights Reserved http://childcareaware.org/about/child-care-resource-referral/
Tulare County Office of Education
Early Childhood Education Program
Julie Berk, Administrator
7000 Doe Avenue, Suite C, Visalia, CA 93291  phone: (559) 651-3022 · fax: (559) 651-3802

995 N. Reed
Reedley, CA 93654
(559) 638-0300

Friday, July 13, 2018

Help Support Immigrant Families

Chain migration must end:
In the US, reunifying immigrant families member (spouse and children) should remain a priority of immigration systems. As of today, our system allows for single immigration to secure a green card of his or her parents or siblings that will ensure the extended family to relocate within the US. Family-based immigrants do not factor in what immigrants can contribute to the United States economy nor the cost of bringing in less-educated immigrants.

Adopting employment for immigration system:
Improving the employment-based system for immigration should be added to their green card. Migration would ensure the number of green cards recipients employed and significantly contribute to the economy, legal permanent resident status within the first few years. Fulfilling their employment obligations will allow them to remain in the US.

Change the Diversity Visa program cap:
The Diversity visa program prioritizes his or her merit can contribute to the U.S economy. These country caps limit the amount of immigration's that comes over from other countries every year countries like Mexico, India, and China. By changing these reforms restrictions, if the U.S what allowed more highly achieve individuals from around the world to fulfill their opportunities to migrate to the U.S. Link to The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are two of the nation’s most important federal laws relating to the education of children.

As a CTE Education Teacher, I would enjoy teaching a course at a college that would provide students with knowledge of career opportunities in the field of teaching and other school site educational professions. Standards, which include basic academics, safety, communication, interpersonal and problems solving skills, integrated throughout the course.  Also, having the class participation in fieldwork at school sites under the guidance of the teacher. All students are required to observe and or/participate in a variety of settings and classrooms at the primary/ elementary, middle/junior high and secondary levels.

As a CTE Education Teacher, I must be aware of the pathway which is designed to provide students with a progressive achievement leading to technical skill proficiency, a credential, a certificate, or a degree. Also, offers both a theoretical and applied academic foundation to the components of psychology, including cognitive development, biosocial development, and psychosocial development.  In fact, assuring all students, their high quality of educational experience.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Problem-Based Learning Website

Support Website

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Communication and Collaboration in Early Childhood

The last past 8 weeks of communication and collaboration in early childhood has been a successful Journey. I want to thank everyone in advance for all the group corporation, discussions and revelations regarding their experience in the field of early childhood. I have learned from you guys (colleagues) how to conduct conversations with staff, parent, and student on multiple levels of early childhood. It has been a delight to make personal connections in the field of early childhood as a site supervisor, educator, teacher assistants and other support experience that the team effective shared out.

Congratulations to all!
I want to say congratulations to everyone who's made it this far in the field of early childhood. I believe as Educators it is our duty to respond to the child's interest, parents interest, and the community's awareness through collaboration and supported one another.

I personally want to thank everyone for allowing me to have access to their blog postings for future references and guidelines of support. Your testimonies, commitment, and hard work will not go unnoticed but will be displayed in my classroom environment.

Toolbox strategies I have learned:
  • The 3 R's of communication
  • Always check for understanding
  • Never assume
  • Be transparent with staff, students, and family
  • Be aware of your strengths and talents
  • Approach life with effective communication skills and awareness
As of today, my toolbox is ever increasing daily because of your remarks, questions, and concerns. You're welcome to continue posting information or questions on my blog as new information will be presented daily.

Friday, February 16, 2018


Norming phrase has been a difficult task from my experience working in early childhood. When individuals are thinking about themselves rather than working together as a team to create core values that impact the children's visions and understanding.

In my opinion, the norm should be an opportunity where individuals pick up one another with encouraging words at the feedback that's appropriate. Listen and learn from one another viewpoint rather than criticizing and put-downs.

Moving forward, Norm any particular setting should be building Trust, relying on one of that feedback, and an opportunity for individuals to promote new ideas and suggestions in the field of early childhood.

Personally, when delegating a group or individual of information regarding early childhood, we (the groups) must understand the core values of the program along with norms of learning from one other.

As we adjourn from the journey at Walden University it is my duty to stay in contact but follow colleagues. I will look back on this journey of where we started and when we are done or at the finish line while earning a master's degree. Each of our colleagues has left the imprint on our blogging posting that can be evidence of the journey of Who We Are at the moment, and Who Are We going to impact in the future.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Nonviolent communication a conflict management

In the work environment, it is hard for colleagues and staff members to agree on everything; disagreement is okay. Educators must be mindful of the 3 R's wasn't sure strategies of work environments and other outcomes conflict management. 

My current position as an instructional aide is to develop lesson plans and strategy for peer mediation. Allowing students to overcome other students problem by active listening and using iMessage or I heard you say this point of view. I have counseled with students and staff members regarding lack of communication in the work environment. When counseling students and staff members, it's important to have an open mindset approach, ensuring positive solutions and outcomes. Applying a win-win solution that both parties can understand and reasoning with one another's opinion or viewpoint. When using the 3 R's just as respecting, the individual opinion (students or staff members) sometimes agreeing or disagreeing with be the first step of dealing with conflict management. I also benefit from learning about the principles of NVC; of being mindful of the situation. Being mindful of the situation in addressing the fact from fiction approach was helpful.

Both parties (students and staff members) address the important decency behavior of overreacting and not reflecting on the outcome or outburst effect on others.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Applying what you know about yourself and other.

Self-esteem reference to how you feel about yourself including your words your values as a person. (O'Hair &Wiemann, 2015, p.48).

Self-esteem challenges one's ability to view themselves as either a positive or negative influence on society. For an example, when someone looks in the mirror how do they view themselves, someone, that's confident, some of that arrogant, someone that's motivated. Or does someone view themselves as timid, bashful, incompetent and unwilling to speak up during any group discussions or disagreement? Self-esteem, it's something that each individual will face on a daily basis, ultimately the individuals can make that choice of being proactive or neglecting with their self-worth values.

Self-Efficacy the ability to predict actual success from self-concept and self-esteem is self-efficacy. (O'Hair &Wiemann, 2015, p.50). For an example, when an individual is aware of self-efficacy they are unlocking pathways of communications that may vary on that individual's outcome, experience, persuasion, and feedback situation. Educators, need to reframe their choice words to seek other idealistic viewpoints experience.

In my personal life self-esteem and self-efficacy, it's something that I hold value in the field of early childhood and educational settings. Being honest about my own vision of life and other, allows me to search deeper about the purpose in life and why we (Human) do what we do.

Acknowledging the power of self-esteem and self-efficacy, empower my professional walk-in Children Development communication skills. Understanding the dynamics of communication through verbal, nonverbal and gesture will be an ongoing journey of opportunities of understanding one another (race, sex, gender, and age).

O'Hair, D., Wiemann, M., Mullin, D.I., &Teven, J. (2015). Real communication: An introduction. (3rd ed). New York: Bedford/St. Martin

Friday, January 26, 2018

Toolkit for improving communication

When you think of a toolkit it has several tools and gadgets to fix things, however communication the similar depending on your audience. (Babies, children, young adults, parents Educators and so on). In my current work environment, there are a number of children that have diverse conversations from grade levels 3rd through 8th grade. Valley Life charter school in California is creating a culture shift regarding 7 habits approach to learning about any given topic or problem.
This week I learned from observation nonverbal communication strategies from the student in 3rd through 8th grade. Students boys and girls are very dynamic when expressing himself through their body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. These examples were evidence in the playground and in the cafeteria. During recess children often show their facial expressions when playing football with one another. In the cafeteria, the girls seem to be yelling at one another ( their tone of voice) of excitement enjoy of hanging around one another.

Working at Valley Life charter school, there are number ways to relate to the children cultural ethnicity. I had the privilege to sit in a Spanish class and students were discussing different cultures and activities they would like to have on campus. For an example students and staff were thinking about having a culture night, that different ethnicity can bring their own food. Cultures such as Portuguese, Asian, African-American, Latino and other ethnicities. I believe that this is a great way to include the community and student involvement at Valley Life charter school. 

Evaluating conversations of agreement or disagreement at Valley Life charter school was interesting. This week's as we study communication, I noticed staff and students dialogue between one another. Interesting fact that students and teachers often agree or disagree depending on the situation, however, was courteous to one another. Students and staff members often repeated what they heard, for example, I heard you say this but I disagree and this is the reason why or I agree with you have or can we improve on this area. By observing their conversations allow me to seek first to understand the approach of the 7 Habits. Being an active listener of communication.

Valley Life charter school is unusual compared to other schools by using The 7 Habit approach. Students and staff members have the 7 Habits printed or painted on their walls in their classroom. Having these quotes, phrases available for students and staff is a friendly reminder of how we communicate with one another if there's an agreement or disagreement occurs.

This week's assignment has improved my communications of being an active listener without my bias point of views.