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Saturday, August 25, 2018

My Final Blog

Here we are, at the Finish Line I know all of our hard work and dedication with bring a smile to children, parents and other support in the field of early childhood.  As we enter into the field of early childhood, we are prepared, determined to change to advocate for young children's lives and parent engagement. We are all are more than conquerors! Congratulations on your sacrifices of earning your master's degree.

I want to take this time to think of all my instructors, colleagues, group discussion, blogs assignments and encouraging videos throughout this course. Learning from each of the experience has broadened my understanding of early childhood, never assume any particular situation. Always ask clarifying questions if needed. Some of the coursework at Walden University was vigorous, required much time researching yet was all worth it.Thank you all.
Put first things first
I have learned to be “Be Proactive” — is about changing your mindset from someone who is acted upon to someone who acts. It’s about reminding yourself that you are in charge of your life and how you respond to it. Also, Begin With the End in Mind” — Once you know that you create a personal mission statement based on timeless principles and your core values that help you develop and practice these “eulogy virtues.” This stems from habits  "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," that we had applied throughout our coursework.

I plan on transforming adults awareness in the field of early childhood by teaching a variety of methods that influence young children's life(social skills, cognitive and emotional perception). My long-term goal is to facilitate to as many organizations regarding health and safety in the field of early childhood education. As a professor, collaborating with other professors on improving rapid childhood education reform, will improve their (the child) ability to learn, play and work at school and home. Schools and parents working together will be a significant part of their child development process.
Special thank you to all my colleagues and Dr. Dartt for allowing us to express ourselves throughout this course. There's so much to be thankful; I believe that our passion for persevering in the field of Early Education is one of them. I appreciate working with everyone and wish them the best of luck in the future and Gratulation On Your New Journey Of Live.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Community of Practice: Internationally

Right now, Save the Children remains gravely concerned about the well-being of children in the custody of the U.S. government after crossing our southern border. We know from our nearly 100 years of service that family separation and detention can cause severe, long-lasting trauma, which ultimately results in the loss of childhood.

Job opportunities would be a head start teacher who would impact children on a day-to-day basis. As a head start teacher, this would be a great job opportunity that would change educators globally,  yet I would pass on this opportunity to sure local students/staff of challenges people face on a day to day basis.   
As we Network to build to improve Early Child Development International Step by Step Association accommodates the needs within the organization.

We build capacity in the community:
  • By expanding professional development workshops and training
  • Sharing a platform of social media channels in the field
  • Hosting By ISSA Romani Early Year Network
Image result for UNICEF For Every Child
UNICEF is committed to increasing its contribution to environmental sustainability, given both the importance of the issue to children and the global commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals.

UNICEF aims to significantly strengthen UNICEF’s policy, programmes, advocacy, research and engagement on environmental sustainability to deliver better results for children, especially the most disadvantaged from other country's. If there is work, there an opportunity.

Job opportunity from UNICEF I will consider would be an international consultant for strengthening children and family welfare system. UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential. Some of the criteria are to review and analyze Child Protection social welfare legal and policy. Develop a snapshot of national standards for child protection. Also, have a three-year action plan for Child & Family welfare project proposal as a consultant with stakeholders and assessment. I am not interested in becoming child protection and social worker overseas.

Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.6115947/k.8D6E/Official_Site.htm

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from http://www.issa.nl/index.html

UNICEF (2014) The Challenges of Climate Change: Children on the front line https://www.unicef.org/environment/