I want to take this time to think of all my instructors, colleagues, group discussion, blogs assignments and encouraging videos throughout this course. Learning from each of the experience has broadened my understanding of early childhood, never assume any particular situation. Always ask clarifying questions if needed. Some of the coursework at Walden University was vigorous, required much time researching yet was all worth it.Thank you all.

I have learned to be “Be Proactive” — is about changing your mindset from someone who is acted upon to someone who acts. It’s about reminding yourself that you are in charge of your life and how you respond to it. Also, Begin With the End in Mind” — Once you know that you create a personal mission statement based on timeless principles and your core values that help you develop and practice these “eulogy virtues.” This stems from habits "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," that we had applied throughout our coursework.
I plan on transforming adults awareness in the field of early childhood by teaching a variety of methods that influence young children's life(social skills, cognitive and emotional perception). My long-term goal is to facilitate to as many organizations regarding health and safety in the field of early childhood education. As a professor, collaborating with other professors on improving rapid childhood education reform, will improve their (the child) ability to learn, play and work at school and home. Schools and parents working together will be a significant part of their child development process.