Brush up on pedagogy strategies by Jennifer Gonzalez
No matter how long a person has been teaching, there’s always room for pedagogical improvement. Transform education in the field of early childhood.
Improving and politically Active is recommended in your local areas starting with small group settings. Most important have an open mind set.
After listening to her podcast you will enhance new age of learning.
Goal setting for Teachers: 8 Paths to Self-Improvement
NBCDI has identified three priority areas, for which we engage in a range of program, policy and advocacy activities at the federal, state and local levels:
- Empowering Parents, Engaging Communities
- Improving Childcare and Teacher Quality
- Ensuring Funding and Resource Equity
NBCDI membership gives you access to resources you need to make a positive impact in the lives of Black children and their families – and it allows us to engage in strengths-based, culturally-relevant education and advocacy. Thank you for sharing this information,
Takeia. Blog
Educator Awareness:
José Luis Vilson is a math educator for a middle school in the Inwood / Washington Heights neighborhood of New York, NY. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Syracuse University and a master’s degree in mathematics education from the City College of New York. He’s also a committed writer, activist, web designer, and father.
Dr. Brown shares his journey of Teaching & Learning Excellence with a focus on Servant Leadership, Classroom Management, and Diversity & Inclusion. Dr. Brown continues to love spreading positively infectious and life-altering messages and challenges through accepting invitations as a keynote speaker for corporate professional development & training, staff & teacher in-services, opening convocations, back to school kick-offs, and educator professional development.