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Friday, July 21, 2017

Getting to Know

Children poverty and social protection
Children should be protected from poverty, especially in the early stage of life. Perhaps if a child is exposed to poverty issues, they might experience through adult life. In fact, poverty issues can be passed on from generation to generation without proper education. UNICEF is working to more fully understand how and where children are experiencing poverty, to allow a more nuanced set of policy responses in national mechanisms such as poverty-reduction strategies. (UNICEF).

Global Studies on child poverty addresses the health, education, and protection needed for children living with poor vulnerable households, unsure circumstances and disadvantaged communities. Networking with other countries to help educate young children and family members strategies, programs to overcome poverty lifestyle. With support from a number of experts and international research centers, the social policy and economic analysis unit in UNICEF's division of policy and planning created a comprehensive Global Study Guide to help carry out the study in each participating country. (UNICEF).

Making a connection with Tulare County
Tulare County Office Education programs offer services for children ages 0 to 5 and beyond by empowering family members through education. Educational Services such as Nutrition, Health, Social Services, services for children with special needs, Mental Health services and preparing them (young children) for School Readiness. Although, Tulare County Office location is striving to break the vicious cycle of poverty in Visalia, California through education services and programs listed above. Providing a well-balanced  educational experience for young children and family members that may be affected by poverty.

The following PowerPoint presentation was presented by Alicia Franco focus on positive outcomes of family engagement and working together.

I want to thank Alicia Franco for our wonderful conversation regarding families and poverty issues. Also, a special thank you for sharing your presentation with young educators in the field of Early Childhood awareness.

1 comment:

Alexandra Samuel said...

I agree that providing resources to educate people on poverty is important. Understand poverty will help children have a successful education. It also will help benefit their health and well being. Learning about poverty and ways we can improve will help me to continue to educate others about it.